Private mashgiach for your event
Mashgichim with years of experience will supervise your event by all Halachic requirement
All over Israel

Mashgichim with years of experience will supervise your event by all Halachic requirement
All over Israel
personal letter ..
My name is Nachman Harris and together with my friend Ari Friedman would like to make life easier for you – Anglos living/visiting Israel!
After many years of working with chutsnikim we noticed what a struggle it is for you guys (I mean all Anglos) to navigate life in Israel.
We thought about this idea…… A private Mashgiach/supervisor for your event. Many people have events without a kashrut (like Badats, Rubin etc) supervising it but would like a Mashgiach to come see that everything is done by halachah req. With years of experience in the kashrut field we’d like to offer you this revolutionary service.
Kasher Me Now will help you with that, just relax and your worries will be taken care of!
Our goal is to give you Anglos the service you always dreamt of !
Kasher Me Now will give you a European standard service and make things a little easier for you
Hit us for more info
At your service, Kasher Me Now
..personal letter
My name is Nachman Harris and together with my friend Ari Friedman would like to make life easier for you – Anglos living/visiting Israel!
After many years of working with chutsnikim we noticed what a struggle it is for you guys (I mean all Anglos) to navigate life in Israel.
We thought about this idea…… A private Mashgiach/supervisor for your event. Many people have events without a kashrut (like Badats, Rubin etc) supervising it but would like a Mashgiach to come see that everything is done by halachah req. With years of experience in the kashrut field we’d like to offer you this revolutionary service.
Kasher Me Now will help you with that, just relax and your worries will be taken care of!
Our goal is to give you Anglos the service you always dreamt of!
Kasher Me Now will give you a European standard service and make things a little easier for you
Hit us for more info!
At your service, Kasher Me Now
stage 2
He'll come to your event and make sure everything is done by halacha.
stage 1
A mashgiach kashrut will supervise your event so it will be 100% kosher
We offer the following with an Anglo service
If the chefs are non-religious he’ll make sure the cooking will be Bishulei Yisrael
If the chefs are non-religious he’ll make sure to open & pour the wine
Recommendation from Rabbi Yissachar Dov Krakowski
Renowned head of the leading
authority of the OU in Israel
Revolution in the kashrut world.
Supervising all year around.
No job too big.
No distance too great.